Video Giveaways - 800 new subscribers and 10k Views!

I got an email this week from Product Launch Guru - Jeff Walker. He uses a lot of Video in his launches and Content Marketing.

The subject line caught my eye: 'six gurus get into a gondola'. He filmed it in a Gondola during his Mastermind. It says 'Bonding' to me - congruent to the notion of Masterminds.

You can watch it here.


The takeaway .. if you are worried your Business talking heads, interviews and chats are boring looking, then try and choose a congruent but unusual location to film in.

On your yacht :), about to bungee, on the ski slopes, or failing that just walking your dog. You get the drift.

This immediately adds some interest and originality to both the Video and the Email subject line - then deliver some wisdom too of course. WIN!


Speaking of which .. as as you know I ran a Giveaway Mic Contest (closed). In case you missed it I announced the Winner via this Video.

The Winner was Canadian Correction Officer Shane Anderson.


Shane writes: "This is fantastic news! I have terrific need for such a great mic. I am a Correctional Officer. I entered the contest to make more videos that further encourage and assist Correctional staff to pursue wellness. I intend to distribute my videos mostly on Twitter and Youtube."

You can watch one of Shane's (Pre-Wireless mic) videos here.

TIP: Running Giveaway contests is awesome. I gained 800 new Email subscribers. I have been asked what software I used - it was


I love online courses and the impact they can have.

Want to make your own? Get on my 'Six Figure Courses' waitlist - opens soon!

Recently I launched the Local Video Hero 2.0 course with Ads Guru Chuck Gallagher. (FB Video Ads training for Local Business Owners & Local Marketers)

The folks who signed up are already getting RESULTS ... Here's an awesome recent post from the Private FB Group:

Check out Silje's Video here - 10k Views and 66 shares plus lots of interaction! BOOM

Silje edited the Video herself after taking my ScreenFlow training .

fb ads

Observe: Paid, targeted and informative FB Videos are powerful! You don't have to sell, sell, sell!

You can start for as little as $10 a day. There is a wait list here for the next course opening if this interests you.


UK is in a crazy bad state with heavy snow in some parts and some disruption where I live in London too.

We simply are not used to it. But ...

I love Online Business .. no miserable commuting 2 hours a day, governments can hold referendums, countries change leaders and all sorts of bad stuff out there can happen - but Online Business carries on working and selling for you globally 24/7! It overrides the ups and downs of your own country.

Just don't nuke my servers!

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