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Local Video Marketing with Facebook Video Ads

This virus is terrible and the lockdown is tough for business owners, especially Local business!

But I do see some Local Businesses really serving their community and thriving.

Others are learning to pivot to survive .. for example:

  • Toy shops that move online for the first time to sell Puzzles (there is huge demand for Puzzles, board games and also Ukelele's I have read, as folks need things to do at home!)
  • Fitness coaches & many more teaching remotely online and keeping their local customers served until they can re-open.
  • Therapists offering Skype sessions (my wife is a Psychotherapist and is hosting zoom groups)
  • Local Businesses offering discount vouchers to trade in when they open up again.
  • Simply teaching and helping folks online out of a desire to serve.
  • Growing their social media pages and building their email lists as an investment for the future.
  • A local to me Pizza restaurant .. serving take away through their front door, with bike couriers arriving every 15 mins or
  • ...
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Local Facebook Video Ads .. CRAZY stats!

Chuck (FB Local Video Ads Expert) recently shared this result from his Local Business Page in the Local Video Ad Hero Private group.

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Check the stats below ...


Imagine what 22k reach, 646 comments, 136 shares, 13.8k Views can do for your business or your Local clients!

(Hint: Running a Local FB Page in your area is a great way to build authority and win clients)

That's the power of low cost, super targeted FB Video Ads taught in the training.

So recently I had someone join us in Local Video Ad Hero 2.0 ... they explained they were really interested learning the Ads system at launch time but they didn't sign up due to other commitments.

Maybe you were in the same boat!

The timing is not always right ... anyway here's a fresh chance to grab the entire 9 Module course!

Here's the need to know:

  • The course is pre-recorded - 9 Modules dripped weekly (allows time to implement)
  • Go through at your own pace - use the members portal as a resource whe...
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