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ScreenFlow 8 has been released (NEW features!)

So, a quick update from Spain!

I recently signed up to an Email List and the confirm Email I received contained a useful Gif!

You see an issue right now is getting Emails you send to your subscribers out of their Gmail Promotions tab and into the Primary tab where they are more likely to be read.

Even if you are sending Newsy Emails full of goodness and low on promotion - you can still end up under Promos for many different reasons.

So here is my own GIF showing you what to do .. if my Email landed in your Promo folder, please (if you wish) drag it from your Promo to your Primary Folder then click YES to future Emails.

Using the app? Press down on Email to select it .. then .. top right corner ... move to ..

That way you won't miss my mails! You can always drag it back if you want.

You see GIF's do have a use other than just fun memes, and the fact they can be compressed small and added inside Emails is like having a mini-Video inside your message.

You can easily create a GIF...

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The BEST Video Accessory is ...

Let me cut to the chase ..

Much as I like to geek out on a good piece of Video gear .. what annoys me is Gear Obsession, and roaming from one Gear review video to the next wondering if you should even bother with making a Video unless you have exactly the right gear :(


"My other camera is an iPhone"

Those Gear reviewers do an awesome job with getting their own Videos Ranked via keywords and earning revenue from Ads and affiliate links.

Of course, in moderation, when you are after a specific bit of gear, seeing it in action and hearing a reviewers opinion is certainly useful.

But if you overdose on reviews you end up constantly spending money not earning it (they do!)

>> Earn from Video << Full training for Members inside!

What I like way more is using the gear you already own to create an Asset that can pay for lots more gear, and in fact pay for your house and vacation!

So, the Best Video Accessory (and excuse the verbal twist here) is having your own Online Course made with...

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Make an Online Course with Video

One question I often get asked about Creating & Selling Big Hit Online Courses made with Video ...

"Jules - There are so many Video courses on a similar topic to mine out there - Why would someone choose to learn from ME?"

Let me help ..

When I decided to teach what I had learned about Online Courses (I have sold around 7,000!) .. I looked around and obviously there are many courses out there about Online Courses, several in the $997 - $1997 price range!

But when I looked at the folks who had created them I didn't feel that much affinity with them as a teacher.

I am going to paint a broad picture here ... since I respect all of them.

Let me paint a caricature instead:

1. The Business / Financial coach

They started with an Online Business already, they weren't short of cash and they don't make their own Videos but have a team. They latched onto the big NEED of people wanting to create an Online Course and they are brilliant at filling that need. They wear suits a lot :) and I w...

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