I often get asked about the best tools for selling video courses, memberships and coaching.
As you probably know, I use an all-in-one platform called Kajabi that has an in built shopping cart.
But .. I know a lot of folks do not want an all-in-one and want to piece together the best tools into their own stack.
Well .. if I wasn't using Kajabi and was looking for a superior but low cost shopping cart .. I would without hesitation choose 👉ThriveCart.
(nb. Even if you use Kajabi or Teachable or Thinkific & more .. you can still integrate with ThriveCart.)
I have used ThriveCart as a customer and as an affiliate promoting folks who sell their products via ThriveCart.
I also know my online colleagues are super happy with it too.
ThriveCart's feature set rocks:
Time for a catch up ... and no that is not me pictured above!
First up .. Brexit 😯
Last week I took the day off to head to Westminster, it was yet another huge voting day in the Brexit process plus there was a large pro-Brexit demo.
I must admit I have become addicted to flicking between news channels and social media observing every twist and turn. Got to stop that!
But I was NOT demonstrating! I wanted to witness with my own eyes (and camera) what was going on plus shoot some stock clips / stills of the 'circus' surrounding the vote.
What I love about running an online business via video is that whenever I want to take a day off and go into town to soak in the vibe I can!
After all, whatever your views - it is history in the making that will be studied in schools in years to come.
(This iPhoneX picture I took was accepted by the Stockimo/ Alamy photo library .. submitted via this app)
I do admire the calmness of the TV News Presenters who are set up near Parliament with fol...
As you may know by now, I use Kajabi for this whole site and online business!
If you are thinking "WOW it's pricey!" .. you simply are NOT seeing the potential of selling your knowledge online via Video.
You are thinking too small, you are missing a huge & proven opportunity.
Here's my US$ sales inside my Kajabi dashboard, this past 3 days including today (so far I should add)!
So just those 3 days of income almost paid for one year of Kajabi!
Yes, it takes effort and application .. but it's possible if you really go for it!
Remember you can choose (if you want) to run your Kajabi site as an 'all in one' .. so NO need for separate expenses for ...
It's all included in Kajabi!
The saving is huge .. and having everything together plays...