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Vacation Videos with a twist!

So .. Vacation season is GO!

I will be heading to the Island of Mallorca, Spain - how about you?

Now you may think vacations are only for spending quality time with your friends and family & sipping your favorite beverage by the beach ..


But .. they are also handy for shooting at least ONE useful Video for your Business!

You see on vacation you usually have access to better locations, better shooting conditions and fresh inspiration.

So seize the chance, and the cool thing is ... you don't need to carry cumbersome cameras .. your iPhone / Smartphone will do nicely!

Make it feel personal and like a Vacation Video.

But how to link your Business niche with your Vacation?

Here's some examples (I came up with quickly) for Videos that Business folks could make ..

The Driving instructor

💡Why you should learn to Drive a Manual (stick shift) car?

You are outside the Car Hire shop on vacation and explain that they only stock 10% Automatic cars, all are usually booked well in advan...

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