As you may know by now, I use Kajabi for this whole site and online business!
If you are thinking "WOW it's pricey!" .. you simply are NOT seeing the potential of selling your knowledge online via Video.
You are thinking too small, you are missing a huge & proven opportunity.
Here's my US$ sales inside my Kajabi dashboard, this past 3 days including today (so far I should add)!
So just those 3 days of income almost paid for one year of Kajabi!
Yes, it takes effort and application .. but it's possible if you really go for it!
Remember you can choose (if you want) to run your Kajabi site as an 'all in one' .. so NO need for separate expenses for ...
It's all included in Kajabi!
The saving is huge .. and having everything together plays...
So, a quick update from Spain!
I recently signed up to an Email List and the confirm Email I received contained a useful Gif!
You see an issue right now is getting Emails you send to your subscribers out of their Gmail Promotions tab and into the Primary tab where they are more likely to be read.
Even if you are sending Newsy Emails full of goodness and low on promotion - you can still end up under Promos for many different reasons.
So here is my own GIF showing you what to do .. if my Email landed in your Promo folder, please (if you wish) drag it from your Promo to your Primary Folder then click YES to future Emails.
Using the app? Press down on Email to select it .. then .. top right corner ... move to ..
That way you won't miss my mails! You can always drag it back if you want.
You see GIF's do have a use other than just fun memes, and the fact they can be compressed small and added inside Emails is like having a mini-Video inside your message.
You can easily create a GIF...