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iPhone Filmmaking Tip

It's super sunny here in London and coupled with the 'Unlockdown' happening .. it means that outdoor filming is back!

As long as you keep your social distance of course.

Now to be a Video Hero .. you don't just shoot boring iPhone Videos like everyone else .. you get creative to win more attention, views and clicks.

Here's what I call a 'Supershot' for you to use the next time you film.

šŸŽ¬ Watch Video. šŸ‘ˆ

'Supershots' are easy directing tips I picked up from my work as a Freelance TV Director in the UK (MTV/BBC), plus by watching what's happening in the YouTube community too.

If you LOVE filming Video on your iPhone .. then I invite you to take me up on my $1 offer :)

šŸŽ¬ Watch my tutorial. šŸ‘ˆ

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Learn from a Mr.Beast Video (Editing tips)

Firstly, Happy Easter if you are celebrating ...

Today I was on the hunt for a gluten free, dairy free, sugar free Easter egg for myself!

Oh look ... I found one ... :)

So some quick tips:

Watch Videos out of your niche!

I've recently been watching a bunch of 'Mr. Beast' Videos on YouTube.

My kids don't get it .. Why would an old dude like me :) watch 20 year olds mess around and spend money like there is no tomorrow?

Did they forget I used to be a freelance MTV Director when I was younger? I love this style of video.

Even if you are an Accountant or a Funeral Director who uses video, you should always expand what you watch online to get fresh ideas.

I do admit, after a while all the fooling around in Mr. Beast videos can getĀ tiringĀ ... but the titles of his videos are very intriguing and the editing is very smart! Y

You can learn from his Videos even if they are not exactly your 'cup of tea'.

Take this Video 'I spent $50k on lottery tickets and won __'

In esse...

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Smartphone Gimbals for Entrepreneurs

Thereā€™s a big dividing line between Video hobbyists and Entrepreneurs who make Videos.

I have been watching some Gimbal Videos recently on YouTube and they seem high on eye candy but low on purpose.

Meaning .. knowing how to film pretty videos with a low cost gimbal is fun ... but you stay poor :)

Whatā€™s missing for me is how to apply these cool video tools at our disposal to magnify our message and reach as a Business Owner.

Letā€™s turn geekery into actual goals!

You see better videos can have a transformative effect on your Business.

With that in mind .. I just added a new course inside the Video Hero Membership called 'Gimbal Magic'!

If you don't know what a gimbal is .. here is a picture. This gadget keeps your iPhone super steady and helps you shoot Hollywood style Videos for a low cost.

My course is not specific to any one Gimbal - I mention several.

The beauty is .. IĀ tailored the courseĀ to folks who make Business Oriented Videos and want to leverage a Gimbal. Most tra...

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Video Directing tip .... (REALITY style)

So .. I thought I'd send you ONE tip today .. listen up!

If you shoot Reality / Documentary style, on the fly then this is for you.

But.. even if you only shoot this style of Video at a Birthday Party or on Vacation then this is still relevant too. (That's everyone!)

Regardless of the subject matter - you need to put your Directors cap on whenever you film.

When events are unfolding fast and people's reactions are unrepeatable.. you need to keep this is mind:

'Which shots can I pick up later and what MUST I grab NOW?'

Meaning .. are there shots that are critical to get? .. So I need to point the camera at them, and NOT point at something else less important that I can get later or even before.

Let me explain ... this might take some concentration. So in a minute you'll watch a Vlog extract from Tanner Fox .. might not be your kind of thing (there are bleeps), but he has millions of subs and is a talented Vlogger for sure.

So anyway, I spotted this incident where things nearly w...

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