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ScreenFlow on steroids ...

So ... I recently ran a survey of folks who edit their Videos with ScreenFlow (for Mac Only.)

I found there is BIG interest in learning extra tricks and time saving ScreenFlow hacks PLUS how to Edit Video Ads and Promos that convert!

All my Videos are edited with ScreenFlow and the ROI has been huge!

So IĀ held a Live 2 hour ScreenFlow Workshop all about creating Video Ads. The good news is you can now access the recording as a Bonus inside my course 'ScreenFlow Universe'.

>> Go watch my ScreenFlow Video

This is for folks who already edit with ScreenFlow at a beginner/ intermediate level.

You will learn in the first part some of my favorite ScreenFlow tricks and hacks, then you'll watch over my shoulder and learn how to create 3 styles of Video Ads that convert!

My Video Ads have been doing super well (selling to cold traffic daily) and I want to show you how to make Ads for your own niche.

This will suit you if you want to make your own Paid Ads or Promos to run on your soci...

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Best low cost Video Ring Light ...

Ā I love this Neewer Ring light especially for the price. I own 3 of them!

Get it on Amazon USAĀ Ā Amazon UK




Why 18 inches not smaller? Because it's multi-use, stick it behind your Webcam for Zoom calls, but big and powerful enough to spread the light wide for talking head Videos and Interviews.

You don't have to use it behind the camera, you can put it out at 45 degrees for lighting a person / yourself or the background.

You can buy extra heads later if you want say a 3 light studio set up.

It's dimmable, with daylight balanced LED bulbs, comes with a softening ring to make you look better, a reverse folding compact stand with hot shoe, smartphone holder, bluetooth remote plus a carrying case.

For the price it's a winner and a great way to add sparkle to your Videos!

Get it on Amazon USAĀ Ā Amazon UK


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Get Viddyoze with Bonus

So one tool I have recommended a few times is the Video creator Viddyoze. << WATCH MY VIDEO + Bonus

Basically you can easily add a Pro Touch to your Videos with Logo Animations, transitions, outros and more.

It's a no brainer investment if you want to Win with Video (IMHO)

Viddyoze 3.0 has just been released and if you are NEW or already own Viddyoze please watch my super short demo Video!

bonus << WATCH MY VIDEO + Bonus

It's suitable for:

  • Entrepreneurs and all business owners who use Video!
  • Video Marketers
  • Agencies
  • Local Video Ad creators
  • Online Course creators
  • YouTubers

See you over there!

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Shelby Church Video Tips

Video Dashboard

This week I was sent šŸ‘‰ Video Dashboard for a test drive

Video Dashboard is a Video creator with a twist. You can create Videos in different aspect ratios for the various platforms .. but the magic is that you can hook up all your accounts, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn even Tik Tok (11 in total).

You can have the app create the video (or import your own videos too) in multiple sizes (square,16:9, vertical etc) and publish (or schedule) them to all of your linked platforms in the correct format with a few clicks. There is a free Mobile app that syncs with the desktop app where you can view your TikTok / Instagram videos for publishing.

One cool feature is you get pre-made videos, so you can easily edit them and set them to publish every day via the 'Social Calendar' to your chosen network.

You can use this for servicing clients too.

I am still testing, but seriously, for less than $50 it's crazy good value and worth a spin!

I joined the Face...

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10 Local Video Ads that work!

So, Facebook Video Ads for Local Business is a HUGE opportunity right now, to find and win new customers, get existing customers to return time after time and beat out the competition in a targeted area. Plus .. you can get results on a lean budget!

(For Free download click the pic)

If you run your own Local Business or market Local Businesses you are about to discover the power of running targeted Video Ads in your locality!

Maybe you create Videos for Local Businesses, mastering Facebook Video Ads can add a profitable extra dimension to the services you offer and make you stand out.

Charles 'Chuck' Gallagher is a Local Marketing Expert (and a Video Hero training partner) who is getting amazing results with Facebook Video Ads for his Local clients and he is going to show you what's working right now.

First step .. go download this Free resource - 10 Facebook Video Ad strategies for Local Business that are flying!

Your download is here šŸ‘‰

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šŸŽ¬ 'Double Take' by Filmic

Here is a quick update of some things that have caught my Video eye recently!

'Double Take' by Filmic

I mentioned this App was coming during last years launch of the new iPhone models.

Now 'Double Take' has recently launched on the App Store and .. it's Free!

You can shoot on two cameras at the same time on your iPhone 11 / 11 Pro and save either as one single file (split screen or Picture in Picture) or save the files separately so you can cut between the two shots when you later edit your video!

Find out more here (plus there is a handy video tutorial) šŸŽ¬

New Video Mic NTG by Rode

Thanks to Video Hero Rob for pointing this out! A new versatile Microphone from Rode that does a lot.

(Note: I have not tested one)

You can not only use it mounted on your Smartphone or DSLR/Mirrorless (adaptor required for iPhone lightning port) or as a boom mic, but it also doubles up as a Podcast / Screencast mic as it works via USB too.

Ideal if you travel, shoot video, create tutorials or go...

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Smartphone Gimbals for Entrepreneurs

Thereā€™s a big dividing line between Video hobbyists and Entrepreneurs who make Videos.

I have been watching some Gimbal Videos recently on YouTube and they seem high on eye candy but low on purpose.

Meaning .. knowing how to film pretty videos with a low cost gimbal is fun ... but you stay poor :)

Whatā€™s missing for me is how to apply these cool video tools at our disposal to magnify our message and reach as a Business Owner.

Letā€™s turn geekery into actual goals!

You see better videos can have a transformative effect on your Business.

With that in mind .. I just added a new course inside the Video Hero Membership called 'Gimbal Magic'!

If you don't know what a gimbal is .. here is a picture. This gadget keeps your iPhone super steady and helps you shoot Hollywood style Videos for a low cost.

My course is not specific to any one Gimbal - I mention several.

The beauty is .. IĀ tailored the courseĀ to folks who make Business Oriented Videos and want to leverage a Gimbal. Most tra...

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Mavic 2 Zoom (it ZOOMS!)

Before we get onto Drones ..

Did you watch the fight last night?

Did you pay for it? :)

KSI v Logan Paul I am talking about of course.


I am making no judgement here on the two individuals and whether YouTube should have banned Logan Paul after his terrible Japan Video.

BUT .. all I can say it that the Event was quite a phenomenon .. two YouTubers who built 18 million (!) or so subscribers each on the platform .. created a HUGE 'Pre-launch' buzz around a Live event using their Vlog channels and fans .. that crossed over to mainstream News Media and they monetized via Pay Per View on YouTube.

$10 a ticket with an estimated 800,000 people paying to watch the Live stream, 15,000 tickets sold to watch inside the stadium! ... That's a lot of $$$$$$$!

(Apparently another 1.2m watched pirated streams on Twitch and elsewhere)

To me this just embodied (albeit on a huge scale) the Power of building your own audience and interaction via Social Video and then charging for Premium Video!

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ScreenFlow 8 has been released (NEW features!)

So, a quick update from Spain!

I recently signed up to an Email List and the confirm Email I received contained a useful Gif!

You see an issue right now is getting Emails you send to your subscribers out of their Gmail Promotions tab and into the Primary tab where they are more likely to be read.

Even if you are sending Newsy Emails full of goodness and low on promotion - you can still end up under Promos for many different reasons.

So here is my own GIF showing you what to do .. if my Email landed in your Promo folder, please (if you wish) drag it from your Promo to your Primary Folder then click YES to future Emails.

Using the app? Press down on Email to select it .. then .. top right corner ... move to ..

That way you won't miss my mails! You can always drag it back if you want.

You see GIF's do have a use other than just fun memes, and the fact they can be compressed small and added inside Emails is like having a mini-Video inside your message.

You can easily create a GIF...

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Greenscreen on an iPhone!

Can you Shoot quality Green Screen on a Smartphone? .. The answer is YES you can!

I have just added a New super focussed mini-course inside the NEW Video Hero Membership!

It's all about how to Shoot and Edit Green Screen.

I used my iPhone and ScreenFlow .. but you could adapt this training to your own tools ..

I only filmed in a small room at home (no studio required) ..


But using Video Hero hacks I got a result like this ..


Green Screen is real handy to ..

.. switch out backgrounds to keep your Videos moving and reset your viewers attention (like TV shows do)

.. saves you having to own lots of large background rolls and fabrics

.. no need to own a HUGE house or office space, you can be in a studio flat and look like you own a mansion :)

.. get that DSLR pro-style blurred background look on an iPhone without buying a new camera!


You can make your Videos look PRO on a budget, even make your self tiny to allow space for text and screencasts ...


You can also layer Gree...

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